I kid you not, the other week my husband implied that I should be wearing more “mom dresses”. My immediate reaction was that he wanted me to wear more girly dresses now that I am a mom, which offended me but then I got to thinking … what makes a “mom friendly” dress? Comfort (comes first), care (something that can with stand dirt, throw up, food, and whatever else comes its way) and of course cuteness because a cute dress next to a cute baby works well together. Right?
So that day I was headed to Target like most moms on a weekly basis picking up the usual – diapers, wipes, and whatever other random stuff I can find that I don’t need – and for once had a shopping purpose for myself. I browsed the women’s section which I never do and came across the Who What Wear line. Some cute stuff but for the most part not my style until I stumbled upon this black dress with the cutest “girly” details for only $29! I was afraid it would come across like a moo moo but took my chances, purchased and I would say it was quite the success!
I have been on a mission ever since to find more “mom dresses” that meet my weekend criteria. Casual, comfortable yet cute dresses to throw on and wear any where from the park to out to lunch (but of course with some sandals of sneakers not these heels I photographed with ).

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