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  • On The Go With Topo

    When it comes to creating a healthy workout routine, sporting the right footwear is just as important as actually setting foot in the gym in the first place. But picking the right pair for…

  • Daydreamer

    Are you a daydreamer? Daydreamers way too often get a bad rep. Like we are walking around with our head in the clouds, thinking about lollipops, unicorns, puppies and rainbows. In…

  • I’m Addicted

    The Crossfit gym is my sanctuary. I look forward to going every day because I can feel myself getting stronger each time I show up and love the stress relief that…

  • Pool Daze

    Holy hotness it has been a scorcher here in DC this summer.  Beating the humid DC heat can be hard this time of year so I have been trying my best to…

  • Off The Shoulder

    Let’s face it, Summer in DC is hot. Like super freaking hot. So the less clothing I can wear on these hotter than hot days the better. I am a huge…

  • All Day Every Day

    Let me start off by saying this is not a sponsored post. But have you ever met a pair of leggings that you are obsessed with and pretty much want to live…

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