New Skincare Routine: Pregnancy Safe

Just because you’re pregnant and your body has to suffer from growing a human being (soon to be the size of a watermelon) doesn’t mean your skin has to! In fact, most pregnancies, your skin takes on a whole new world. From raging hormones that cause some serious break outs to soon to be glowing skin. At least that’s what everyone says!

Your skin takes a true beating which is why you still need some self love but with pre caution because there are some harsh ingredients in a lot of skincare that you may not have known or even thought about before. I sure didn’t and it took me a good minute to go through the list of my favorite products to see what was safe and what was not and it was pretty scary to see how many were not safe. I had to store those away for after baby and do some serious research (as I am no expert) to change up my skincare routine. Just a smidge to ensure the best for my little!

I’m linking below my new regime (in order of routine) plus a list of other pregnancy safe products to try as well as clear ingredients to stay away from!

My Skincare Routine

  1. Face Wash: Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel
  2. Toner: SkinCeuticals Equalizing Toner
  3. Vitamin C Serum: SkinCeuticalsVitamin C Serum
  4. Hydration Serum: SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Gel
  5. Moisturizer: Kate Somerville Oil Free Moisturizer
  6. Primer: Tula Brighten Up Smoothing Primer Gel
  7. SPF: SuperGoop! CC Cream (for tint) & Dermalogica Invisible Physical Defense (for clear)
  8. Makeup Remover: Tula #NoMakeup Replenishing Cleansing Oil
  9. Sleep Mask: Dr. Jart Water Hydro Sleep Mask

Other Great Products

  1. Exfoliating scrub
  2. Clay Masque
  3. Lip Repair
  4. Eye Serum
  5. Mutha Body Oil and Body Butter (great for the expanding belly!)
  6. Tula Instant De-Puff Eye Renewal Serum

Stay Clear from these ingredients: Glycolic Acid, Salicylate, Kojic Acid, Retinoid, Licorice Root and Chemical Sunscreen.

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Hope this helps! Please share any other great products you are using or may have used during pregnancy. Would love to try!



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