Sarah’s February Skincare Lineup

Sarah’s February Skincare Lineup

Sarah's February Skincare Lineup

As you all know, I am a test dummy when it comes to beauty products. I’m always on the hunt for that magical product that will stop aging in its tracks. Although I haven’t found anything that will reverse aging, I have found a few products that have made my skin look more youthful!

Instead of sharing what’s “hot” in beauty trends, I figured I would share a monthly round-up of the products that I’m using and loving at the moment. These products are all on my counter and if you watch our stories on IG, you might even see me testing these out in real time.

Have a question about any of them or want us to test a product before you commit? Feel free to ask in the comments or DM us on IG! Always looking to connect and share with you guys!

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