What’s Good For Your Skin?

Kinara Spa

Olga Lorencin Skin Care + Kinara Spa

I have had plenty of facials before. They usually go down the same every time. You come in, lie down, talk about your skin routine and any issues you may have, get a facial and then a couple of products are recommend to purchase at the end.

Well I’m here to tell you about a facial I had that stood out from all those other facials. I was fortunate enough to have Olga Lorencin, the creator of the facial products herself, give me a facial and boy did she drop some knowledge on me. So much incredibly inspiring knowledge that changed the way I looked at my own skin care.

One thing that really clicked with me were her comparisons of skin care to fashion. She was speaking my language so I could relate and follow along. I’m no skin care expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve been in fashion for quite some time so it was amusing to see the similarities. Skin care, like fashion, can be trendy. Trends can be fun, but a good reminder when looking at skin care products is to ask yourself, What’s good for your skin? Are you buying this cleanser because it’s organic? Is your nightly moisturing cream really working or is it because the celebrity on the package told you it does?

It is a bit embarrassing to admit, but I don’t have any true beauty routine. This from a girl who craves routine in every other facet of my life. Any sort of strict beauty regimen always seemed too complicating and hard to figure out because not everything works the same way on everyone. How would I know what was good for my skin? Well, Olga took care of that for me and then some. Not only is she a facialist to the celebrities (which btw is pretty cool) she’s actually the brains behind the products she uses. Each and every product is meticulously created for a specified purpose, whether it is to combat aging, strengthen your skin, rejuvenate your complexion, and the list goes on. She does this with he team of mad scientists back in the lab who are putting together something these genius concoctions to help us feel more confident in our skin.

So what did I learn? I always thought that I had dry skin. Apparently I was wrong, I just don’t drink enough water and to stay hydrated. Whoops. The illusion of dry skin was also created due to my move from the humid air in DC to LA which has rough water. It seems I may have been moisturizing a little too frequently, which clogged my pores and kept them from breathing. I also used facial cleanser scrubs a bit too much, which I thought was the best way to really clean out my pores and good for taking make up off. Wrong again. I was being too rough on my skin.

So the take away from my Kinara facial experience is to listen to your facialist and find out what’s good for your skin. If you live in LA I strongly suggest stopping by Kinara Skin Care Clinic located right on N. Robertson Blvd. If not, try out her products … they won’t disappoint. I have been using them for a little over two months and my skins feels rejuvenated and the best that it ever has been. My two favorites are the hydrating toner and eye cream. Now I’m actually get excited to wash my face and apply my skincare each morning and night because I finally know what I’m doing and why.

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Skin Care Routine
Olga Lorencin Skin Care

Kinara Skin Care

Olga Lorencin Skin Care + Kinara Spa

Olga Lorencin Skin Care + Kinara Spa

Until my next visit with Kinara!



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