Browsing Category


  • Mad for Plaid

    Mad for plaid. The title says it all. There is something about plaid that just makes you want to cozy on up to a warm fire with a cup of yummy…

  • It’s Banana

    Banana Republic has been one of my go-to stores for years. I used to shop at Banana for all of my work attire back when I had a 9-5er because I knew…

  • Falling in Love with Kensie

    I love my job. It took me 8 years, a college degree and a 3 complete career changes to get here but all totally worth it. After all, nothing good comes…

  • Light Fall Layering

    I’m not sure if I should be happy or sad that the coldest southern California gets is the low 50’s. The change of seasons and cold weather tied to the holidays…

  • How To Wear The 70’s Flare

    The 70s are back, and better than ever, in the form of flare jeans! Not only are they on trend, but this style does amazing things for your legs. The fitted…

  • Fall Date Night

    You know that feeling when you look at all of the clothes in your walk-in closet and feel like you have nothing to wear? What’s worst is getting that feeling right…

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