Browsing Category


  • Monochromatic Days in LA

    Just another monochromatic day in LA. There is something about a monochromatic outfit that screams happiness to me. Probably because it’s so easy to achieve … just throw together a look with colors…

  • Muscle Beach Workout

    I won’t say that I have broken my daily work out routine just yet. I am human. Let’s just go ahead and say that I get creative on finding new ways…

  • Wylie Grey 5 Different Ways

    When I like something, I really like something. It’s not too often that you find something that you can pull off and style in different ways and in different trends. I recently fell…

  • Ojai Valley: A Piece of Heaven

    I found a little piece of heaven and it just so happens to be tucked away in the valley of Ojai, the Ojai Valley Inn & Spa to be exact. Only…

  • On The Farm With sigAshop

    I am constantly amazed by the amount of successful women that surround me. It is both uplifting and inspiring to personally know so many women who decided to stray from the…

  • Shoulder Season

    Yup thats right, it’s already shoulder season over here. Temperatures are warming up fast and the sun is showing face which means I can pull out the cut off denim shorts…

  • Casual Weekend Gear

    This isn’t my typical outfit post. This is my casual weekend gear; aka what I wear pretty much all the time when I’m not dressed for work or going out. I…

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