Browsing Category


  • Buckle Up Baby

    Buckle Up Baby, because there is nothing more important to me than the safety, well being and development of my little girl. That is exactly how the Evenflo family feels and what…

  • Style The Bump + GIVEAWAY

    How I style the bump plus a GIVEAWAY! The bump or what I like to call it, the uncomfortable basketball I swallowed, definitely doesn’t make “styling” any easy. In fact, I get…

  • Hello Third Trimester!

    Hello Third Trimester! I’m in the final stretch, the trimester that ends with meeting my baby girl! I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am to meet her, to…

  • Mac & Mia: Personal Stylist

    Mac & Mia, your personal stylist is waiting for you.  When I found out I was having a little girl, I almost cried with joy in the Doctor’s office as the…

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