Browsing Category


  • 5 Months of Life UPDATE

    Like most moms, I of course committed to taking monthly photos of my baby girl for a number of reasons. (A) I love taking photos of her. I’m surprised my phone…

  • Ladureé

    Bonjour from Paris! Today marks our second day in Paris and my husband and I’s 4th anniversary! After a day of complete jetlag yesterday, we started our day bright eyed and…

  • Back To School Nostalgia

    As I scroll through my Instagram and Facebook feed I can’t help but feel a bit of nostalgia as I see all my mommy friends sending their lil’ kiddos off to…

  • Flowers + Dress Up

    I had a difficult time coming up with a theme for the nursery. I don’t personally like a lot of pink stuff and didn’t want her room to be too princess like,…

  • Miami Swim Week – 10 Insider Tips

    Miami Swim Week – 10 Insider Tips My obsession with swim week started 4 years ago when Michelle and I attended for the first time. This was also the first REAL…

  • Let’s Get Back To The Basics: Mission Edit

    Let’s get back to the basics, shall we? With so many trends coming in and out, it really does become a bit exhausting to keep up with. From the basket bag that everyone…

  • A Whole New Meaning For ALL WHITE

    I have taken on a whole new meaning for wearing all white… Yes we all know it means purity or the perfect color (or lack of) to wear in the summer…

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