Browsing Category


  • #52WTFWednesdays: Volume 17

    Welcome back to our weekly #WTFWednesdays! We rounded up our favorite stories, videos, memes, sales… anything and everything that we could find online to share with you. So sit back, relax…

  • The Denim Dress

    The denim dress, it’s all the rage this summer and I finally know why. A denim dress is so versatile, it can be worn with sandals, boots, or heels, your options are…

  • #52WTFWednesdays Volume 14

    Wine Wednesday should be every day, but then again weekends are better. So while we patiently wait for the weekend to make its presence here is our #52WTFWednesdays Volume 14. Our weekly…

  • #52WTFWednesdays Volume 11

      Welcome back to #52WTFWednesdays also known as “Wine Down Wednesday”. Where we share our favorite, juicy internet goodness. Grab your glass of wine, relax and “wine dow”n with our best…

  • #52WTFWednesdays

    Happy Hump Day! You know the drill. Grab your wine and unwind with us with our #52WTFWednesdays round up.  Don’t forget to join in on the fun and send us the…

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