DIY Halloween Costume: Swan Lake



This happens to me every year, I never know when to start planning my Halloween costume bc I never really know my plans  that far in advance. I end up either throwing something together last minute or doing absolutely nothing bc even if I end up having plans the effort just isn’t there. But this Halloween I’m so excited, because Adaline is finally old enough to understand playing “dress up”. Last year was dicey so we put her in skeleton pajamas to be safe but I was impressed with how quick she took to trick or treating, going door to door to get candy. Candy that mommy and daddy only ate but maybe this year I will give her a piece or two. Maybe.

So! I wanted to share my quick and easy DIY Halloween costumes I made all via our beloved, Amazon Prime. We actually went to Party City to pick out a family costume but they all just looked cheap to me and I felt a bit overwhelmed. So we left with a shark costume for dada because, like every kid, Adaline is still obsessed with Baby Shark and I left feeling inspired to come up with something a bit more unique. Swan Lake! I thought a black swan and white swan would be so cute to dress up as so that we could still twin because she loves to dress up like mommy. The costumes were super easy to make. Everything was on prime so they came next day and the costumes just came together. They only crafty thing I had to do was sew on the feather strips to the corset with fabric glue which took 30 seconds. She loved wearing the costume other than the white tights, ballet flats and feather tiara that I had also ordered but she refused to wear. Overall, I would call this a win win!

Linking everything below!

white swan

toddler costume

DIY toddler costume

mommy and me halloween costume

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Happy Halloween!


DIY halloween costume

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