For my birthday, my husband Phil put together a “Whose wine is it anyway??” party. Everyone brought a bottle of wine of their choice which we numbered upon their arrival and posted on the cork board by guest, year of wine and where it came from. As we mingled we all had an opportunity to read each bottle and smell the corks and wine to help. Phil then poured us all a small portion of each wine, out of order as we tried to guess…..”whose wine is it anyway?” At the end of the night Phil tallied up the scores and chose a winner based on who had the most right. We gave the winner a fun wine gadget to take home as well.
Mucho gracias to the Hubby for putting this together. It’s such an easy (and affordable) theme that can be used for any kind of get together!! Try it out and let us know your twist on the idea!! Phil is creative but not always in the arts and crafts so we would love to see what you guys can come up with!
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January 13, 2014 at 4:29 pmLove this, so fun!