Ferocious Fashion Forecasting: Animal Print

Ferocious Fashion Forecasting:

Animal print continues to be a trend that won’t be going away anytime soon …fashion forecast

What is fashion forecasting? It’s the study and prediction of fashion based on the past, present and of course the future. To get specific because we love details, according to Wikipedia its the prediction of colors, fabrics, textures, materials, prints, graphics, beauty/grooming, accessories, footwear, street style, and other styles that will be presented on the runway and in the stores for the upcoming seasons. It’s what every designer does to keep up with this fashion world by gathering information from consumers. Anywhere from whats going on globally to what’s effecting consumers directly to predict future trends. And from what I have gathered from those forecasting, animal prints are not going away anytime soon. They are the past, present and future.

And why wouldn’t they be? 2018 was a strong year of ferocious, fierce women standing up for what’s right and using their freedom of speech. What print depicts the up roar of women more than the beauty of these animals. Us ladies will continue to be heard while wearing these prints which have been forecasted to take over Spring and Summer and I’m excited to see what’s in store.

Wearing: Sweater (Madewell); Skirt (Zara); Necklace (Marrin Costello); Shoes (Franco Sarto); Sunglasses (Amazon).

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  • Reply
    January 24, 2019 at 10:20 am

    What a stunning trend forecast. Thank you!!

    • Reply
      January 26, 2019 at 4:47 pm

      Thank you 🙂

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