10 Things To Do Before Baby Arrives

10 Things To Do Before Baby Arrives …

It’s hard to believe this pregnancy journey that I have embarked upon will soon come to an end and I will be known as “mommy” to a sweet baby girl in less than two months. I have gone through the stages of every panic mode while trying to get the nursery in order, buying all the necessities, and organizing my own life to ensure I can take care of another!

It’s a whole lot on one’s plate. As the countdown continues, and the months dwindle down to what feels like just a few weeks, I’ve begun to slow down and realize I need to appreciate a few things before I begin this next chapter in life. It’s a life changing chapter. One that I’m super fricken scared to start yet at that the same time have never been more excited to adventure upon.

There are a million things one can do before baby arrives, other than eating sushi, drinking wine and riding roller coasters, and maybe a few more 😜 but I decided to narrow it down to 10. I’m sharing my personal top 10 things to do before baby arrives in April. I would love to hear your thoughts and any other suggestions!

  1. Finish all your home improvements projects: All I can think about is how little time I will have to worry about anything else but baby, so finishing up home improvement projects has been at the top of my list.
  2. Clean out your closet: PURGE!!! I love hanging out in my closet, but sometimes I wonder if the reason I spend so much time in there is because I enjoy playing with clothes or if it’s because I have way too much unnecessary clothes that I can’t see the good. I’m cleaning out my closet this weekend before it’s too late and I just continue to add. New rule in this house hold: Every time you buy something new, you must donate one to make room.
  3. Take longer showers: I’ve never been one to take long showers. Mostly due to the fact that we have been in an endless drought here in California but lucky for me this season we have had non stop rain! I’ve learned to really appreciate the quite, down time a shower provides and the fact that I won’t be getting those much longer.
  4. Let the small things go: I’m stubborn. I’ll admit it. But with another life coming it’s much easier to remember that life is too short to stress about the small things.
  5. Learn new dishes: I’m not much of a cook, but knowing that I’ll be spending a lot of time at home when baby comes I want to ensure that I learn as many delicious dishes that I can so I’m not pondering away all day on what to cook.
  6. Make more time for your friends with out kids: It’s a good way to stay sane once baby does arrive if you ever find time to get away.
  7. Take a road trip: Of course flying at this time is out of the questions but a spontaneous road trip is not. Just keep it some what local just incase you go in to labor early!
  8. Explore new restaurants: This has been my priority! I love good food and exploring new places but that’s about to get very challenging. My husband and I have done our best to scratch off all the places we had on our list to try.
  9. Go to the movies or a play: It’s going to be a while before you can so take advantage of it now.
  10. Budget your life: This was one of the first things we did when we found out we were pregnant. However after moving, new expenses and cutting othes, we have revised our budget several times. It’s important to be prepared in every way possible! That and I may have a spending problem, so it’s about time I get serious. Instead of buying clothes for myself I’ll have to budget my spending on all the cute baby clothes!

whiskey & Leather



South Moon Under

Los Angeles


Maternity Style

Wearing- Jacket (T Tahari); Top (Rag & Bone); Jeans (ASOS); Bag (Gucci via Bag Borrow or Steal); Sunglasses (Ray-Ban); Shoes (Fendi- old, similar here)

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