Going Gray

Splendid Gray Dress

Ok I’m not quite going gray, at least I hope I’m not but who really knows when I highlight my hair as often as I do. But I think I’m better of being oblivious to the situation. The real reason for this post is to delve into my addiction to the color gray. I realized I had a borderline obsession with collecting clothing in the moody hue when I bought my 12th gray sweater. I’m pretty sure 11 gray sweaters would have been plenty. But when you have two dogs (1 white and 1 black) that shed like it’s their business, the only color I can realistically wear without looking like the crazy dog lady that I am is the color gray. This is also why we own a gray couch, a gray comforter, and a gray dog bed.

Not only is gray practical for my life, I also love the way it looks against tan skin and blonde hair. Another reason why I am constantly collecting things in the shade of gray. This new gray form-fitting dress by Splendid has been my go-to for nights out this winter. It’s simple, fits like a glove and also has a bit of interest with the cut-out shoulders. I used to shy away from form-fitting dresses like this but now that I have some curves and a hard earned squat booty, I feel better wearing clothing that shows my shape.

To add a little edge to the look, I paired it with my favorite faux leather bomber (I think I have had this jacket for at least 4 years), a silver fur stole, and a pair of black suede booties.

I’m not a huge fan of bright colors or wild prints, call me boring but I like sticking with my neutrals. They always look pulled together and they go with almost everything in your wardrobe. So maybe going gray wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all.

Shop this look plus my favorite gray pieces below:

DC Fashion Blog

OOTD blogger

Faux Leather Jacket with fur trip

Splendid Dress

Gray Spendid Dress

DC Fashion Blog


Sarah Phillips


DC Fitness Blogger

Going Gray

Wearing: Dress (Splendid on Sale), Jacket (Old similar here), Fur Stole (Eagle Rock Furs), Booties (Vince Camuto old similar here), Sunglasses (Forever 21), Necklace (Forever 21), and Watch (J.Beverly).

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Photos by Emma Weiss



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