Mom Jeans

These aren’t your typical mom jeans …denim

I seriously couldn’t help but smile this entire shoot because quite frankly I was just in my mommy element. Give me a comfy, over sized denim shirt that I can easily wipe off spit up and baby food with out staining along with a well fitted pair of denim that’s a bit trendier than the norm, any day.

Baby girl is now 6 months. Can you believe it?! She’s half a year old!! I never really understood why mommies always took monthly photos, but now I do. You have to cherish EVERY single MOMENT, because with the blink of an eye they are a complete new baby. Adaline went from an infant to what I feel like a toddler within just weeks. Ok maybe not a toddler, but she’s a big girl! She is eating solids like a pro (and now pooping more than ever like a pro), napping like a champ, sitting up, laughing, rolling, playing and all that cute baby stuff.

And of course all I do it talk about baby. I’m seriously at work just waiting for people to ask how she is so that I can just talk about what I’m already non stop thinking about … baby, baby, baby, baby.

So back to the look. (There I go again.) The reason why I love this outfit so much is because it’s soooooo realistic in my mommy life. Find me in this top and jeans with some cute white sneaks for a day look or throw some heels and a killer bag for a statement. Easy, comfortable, effortless but chic and on trend. That’s a no brainer for my now very much mommy brain.

dainty jewelry

fashion blogger

rag poets

mommy style

trendy denim



Wearing- Top (Rag Poets); Jeans (Gap; sold out – similar here); Bag (Chanel via Bag Borrow or Steal); Watch (Piperwest); Sunglasses (Le Specs).

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Lip Color:  Soft Peachy Nude by Stila

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