My Tribe

My Tribe…My Tribe

Today I am welcoming my good friend, fellow entrepreneur, consultant, lifestyle blogger, artist, and one of my role models to the blog. If you haven’t heard of Meg Biram and you live in DC, well you may be living under a rock. This girl is a rock star people and if you aren’t already following her, you need to check out her website immediately!

I met Meg almost two years ago when I had just left my full-time job as a Dental Sales Rep and took the plunge into self-employment. This was also around the same time that Michelle was making the move to LA. I had followed Meg’s blog for years and was floored when she reached out to me to join her co-working space in Georgetown. I can’t begin to explain how much joining this creative collective space has helped my business grow and prosper over the last year and a half. Plus it helped me from not going completely insane while making the transition into self-employment because working from your home every day can get downright distracting, boring and it can get pretty lonely too.  Being newer to the DC blogging scene and to running my own business, it has been great having a friend around that gets it and to help guide me in the right direction. And for that, I am very grateful.

It’s people like Meg that remind me why I love what I do so much. She isn’t petty, pretentious or competitive in a business that can be much of those things. Instead, she is the first person to give a helping hand when you need one and to share her tips and tricks with you. I truly believe that if you surround yourself with positive, successful people, like Meg, that you will go places and I am so happy to have her as a part of my tribe.

Be sure to follow Meg on IG, check out her blog and her new online course that just launched YOUR IDEAL YEAR.

Storets Gingham Blouse

Vigilante Coffee

Storets Blouse

Blogger Breakfast

DC Fashion Blogger

DC Fashion Blogger

Storets Gingham Blouse

Storets Gingham Blouse

Street Style

Street Style

Street Style

Meg Biram

Sarah is wearing: Top (Storets $68), Denim (old Rag & Bone similar here), Heels (Steve Madden), Sunglasses (Rayban), and Earrings (H&M similar here).

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Photos by Emma Weiss



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  • Reply
    November 19, 2016 at 6:44 am

    I just read her post and came on over to yours. You two are so cute! Friends are so important. This idea of finding your tribe, or second family is such an important part of growing up.
    xx Jenelle

    • Reply
      November 23, 2016 at 12:41 am

      Thank you, Jenelle! I appreciate the kind words and you visiting our site! Good friends are so important and Meg is certainly one that I am grateful for. Hope you come back and visit again soon!


  • Reply
    Varuna Jithesh
    April 24, 2018 at 5:26 am

    Nice and perfect looking outfits..

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