Nordstrom Anniversary Sale

It’s that time of the year again! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, where we all go just a little bit loco. We know it’s crazy to think of Fall Fashion as we endure these scorching hot summer days but we love strategic shopping and getting ahead of the game to save some dinero.

So if you are brave enough to go in store, more power to you, but for those of you (like us) that enjoy a nice glass of wine and their laptop in hand then we have you covered! We rounded up our top favorite picks from the sale by category for some easy breezy shopping. The early access sale started today and goes through July 20th, so if you have a Nordstrom card you are in luck! If not, you can still pick out your favorites and shop them when the sale opens up on July 21st!


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Happy Shopping luvs!


Sarah and Michelle

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