Roses Are Red…

Roses Are Red...

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Vodka costs less than dinner for two. While this is very true, I don’t entirely recommend sloshing down a bottle of vodka while dressed up in your finest white dress. Things could get a bit messy, so I recommend changing into something a bit more comfy if that is where the evening is looking like it’s going to take you.

If you’re brave enough to fight the crowds tonight or even if you plan to celebrate this weekend, instead of going with a classic red dress, why not switch it up and wear a sexy white number? It was love at first sight when I found this white bodycon dress by Australian designer Bless’ed Are The Meek while shopping online. While I haven’t actually worn it out on a date with my hubby yet, it will be first in the queue when we decide to head out somewhere fancy.

But seriously, back to the roses. Every woman loves roses, whether it’s Valentine’s Day or just an ordinary Tuesday. Nothing is more magical than being surprised with roses on your doorstep and especially when they are packaged like the ones from The Flower Luxe. These beauties come watered and don’t even need a vase, which is wonderful for a plant killer such as myself (note: I can’t even keep a succulent alive). I am seriously obsessed with these roses and I know you will be too, that is why we are giving a dozen away to one of our DC readers! So if your man dropped the ball this year, are in between men, or have a friend who is having a shitty Valentines Day, why not enter to win a dozen of these bad boys to brighten your day!? Just head on over to our IG today to enter!

Bless'ed Are The Meek Fix Dress

The Flower Luxe

The Flower Luxe

Bless'ed Are The Meek Fix Dress

The Nail Saloon

Bless'ed Are The Meek Fix Dress

The Dry Bar

Valentine's Day OOTD

The Flower Luxe

The Flower Luxe

Bless'ed Are The Meek

Stuart Weitzman Nudist

Wearing: Dress (Bless’ed Are The Meek), Necklace (Wanderlust), Sandals (Stuart Weitzman), Flowers (The Flower Luxe), and Nails by  (The Nail Saloon).

Shop my favorite sexy white dresses linked below

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Photos by Emma Weiss



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