Sucker for Zara


My name is Michelle, and I’m a sucker for Zara . . .

Yes, it’s true. I have a problem like most of us do. I’m addicted to Zara. Though to me it can be quite an overwhelming place to shop with all the trends of the season and most of the time just too much to look at. It’s exhausting, yet I keep coming back for more. Like an addict, and the fact that they have kids clothing too?! Done, just take my wallet and all my money. I will just eat rice and beans for the rest of my life with my daughter (true story, that’s all she will eat. sigh).

But seriously, what I do love about them is that they do have all the trends and must haves for the season. SO if you are up for the shopping challenge and have an idea of what you are looking for they are, to me, the most practical and affordable place to shop for all the seasons trends that you may not be ready to invest in.

So coming from a full time, exhausted working mom little time on her hands, here are a few helpful tips to keep in mind that work for me for a seamless shopping experience.

Tip #1: When shopping at Zara, always have an idea of what you are shopping for. Are you looking for basics? An occasion dress? Sweaters? Trends? Whatever it may be, seek after that first and let whatever else you may find along the way be your back up surprise find.

Tip #2: Know your size and fit. I hate trying clothes on. It’s time consuming and well … just exhausting. I know what silhouettes will work for my body and what wont. And if it doesn’t work out, you have a very forgiving return policy which I normally end up just exchanging for something else.

Tip #3: Stick to a budget. One can easily spend a fortune there because the prices are just right. But after an arms worth of finds the dollars add up. Unless you are looking for a new wardrobe, try to stick to under $300. Another helpful tip to not overwhelm your closet. For every new purchase I make an effort to take out something that I don’t ever wear to either donate or consign. This keeps my closet at a healthy browsing capacity.

Wearing – Dress (Zara); Jacket (Madewell); Shoes (Franco Sarto); Necklace (Marrin Costello); Bag (Chanel).

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