Mama Got Your Back: Transition Baby To Nursery

Mama has got your back baby girl! Sharing my tips to transitioning baby in to the nursery …

scamp & dude

This post is loooong over due. Typical me excuse but totally true. I really wanted to write a post on transitioning baby in to his/her room because it’s something that not all new moms think about until the time comes. I wanted to share my personal experience because I can’t be the only un prepared mommy out there, right?!

So when it came time to move her in to her big girl room at about 3 months, I was a complete mess. Of course I wasn’t getting any sleep to begin with so my anxiety level was through the roof. I had two cameras on her, well still do but I don’t stare at both religiously like I did once before. Every time I woke up, I would check the cameras by zooming in and ensuring that she was breathing. Then of course I couldn’t go back to sleep once I had that reassurance because I was just staring in to a lit screen for minutes looking for movement from a tiny infant. This would go on all night. So not healthy, I know.

I was doing some research online and came across the Owlet smart Sock Baby Monitor…

I kid you not. I would not write an entire blog post dedicated to a device that I did not stand behind 100%. I  was provided an Owlet at no cost for my review, and using this monitor was the best decision evva. It has been such a peace of mind at night to know my little one’s wellbeing while sleeping. Owlet is designed to notify you if your baby’s heart rate or oxygen fall outside the preset zones. It does not act as a SIDs monitor and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate any condition, but instead a peace of mind and an extra set of eyes to help look after while you try to sleep and regain some strength for the very next day. And if your a mama you know how important sleep is. I’ve never valued it more since the very day she was born. 


owlet baby monitor

transitioning baby to nursery

Mama is wearing sweater by Scamp & Dude. Baby girl has a matching one 🙂 Read Jo’s (the co-founder) story to inspiration behind her line! Talk about an emotional inspiring woman!

holiday pjs

So to some things up on an easy transition in to the nursery, invest in the best! Below are the pieces that helped me through this process seamlessly.

  1. Owlet Baby Moitor: Peace of mind is priceless and they achieved it.
  2. Baby Monitor: We use the nest and really enjoy the quality of the video as well as the option to peep on her any time and any where.
  3. Alexa Bluetooth Speaker: We live by a very loud street here in LA and had to purchase the Alexa to play beach waves all night long on Spotify. I don’t suggest having baby rely on white noise but unfortunately in our case it came in very handy. We will have to ween her off soon.
  4. Sheets: Make sure you have quality, well fitted sheets. I love the fun options that Kip & Co offer and will be my go to even when she’s a toddler with their adorable, colorful prints.

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I hope this post helps any new mamas out there. And for the mamas who have already experienced this, I would love to hear your tips for an easy transition!

Mama has got your back little one. We only want the best for you just as every mama out there does.

baby blog

May you and baby get lots of peaceful rest!



I was provided an Owlet at no cost to review and share my experience. All opinions are my own.

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  • Reply
    Brandi Matthews
    December 28, 2017 at 9:36 pm

    Sooo sweet!!!! You have the cutest baby!!!
    Happy Holidays!
    Xx Brandi

    • Reply
      December 29, 2017 at 10:54 pm

      Thank you beauty!! Hope you had a happy holiday and a happy new year!!!! xo

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