Amazon Prime Gift Guide: Must Haves

An Amazon Prime Gift Guide for the efficient shopper like you!


Let’s face it, we all use Amazon and probably more than we would like. It’s just so easy and accessible, literally at your finer tips. With the Holidays coming up and the endless amount of gifts to purchase it can be a bit overwhelming. Secret Santa, White Elephant, Hostess Gifts, Christmas and Hanukkah presents … you get the idea, there are quite a few to cover. Which is when magical Amazon prime really comes in handy. ESPECIALLY for those last minute purchases, whether you ship it directly with a nice little message attached or to you to wrap and send off with love. Quick and efficient.

To help save some time for you, we rounded up some of the most coveted and sought after gifts that you can find on Amazon Prime for any person on your gift list this season!

  1. Jade Roller: Perfect for the beauty lover. Who doesn’t love a little self love.
  2. Men’s Gift Set: All the essentials bundled in one!
  3. Candle: I love candles and I absolutely love this “Home Sick” candle, perfect for loved ones afar.
  4. Cheese Board: This is such a great gift for the cheese lovers in your like, accompanied by a cheese and wine handpicked by yourself!
  5. Coffee Gift Basket: Who doesn’t drink coffee?! And if they don’t try a tea gift basket, but anyone will love discovering the goodies accompanied by their favorite warm drink to make like this one.
  6. Coffee Table Book: This is a good one for anyone and you can personalize it towards their taste. Humans of New York is a great neutral option exploding with beautiful and eye catching photos to flip through.
  7. Essential Oils: What’s better than a candle? Essential oils. Smell just as cute but more therapeutic, great recovery for after the holidays! ha.
  8. Alexa: If you don’t have one you need one and you need to gift to everyone because they are so fun and helpful in every room.
  9. Cable Knit Pom Hat: These are just so cute and perfect for all the holiday feels.
  10. Santa’s Cookie Set: This is such a cute gift for the kiddos to give on Christmas Eve or a hostess gift for those who have kids.
  11. Oversize Knit Throw: Love this look and it’s great for anyone of all ages. Cozy up to loved ones this holiday with the perfect new addition to the home.
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