Top 10 Gifts For The Kids This Love Day

Top 10 Gifts for the kids!

We all love love. And there is no greater love than that of a mom and her child. It’s a different love that can not be measured. Being a mother coming up on her second Love day with the love bug, I have another valentine in mind as well as the hubs. I think it’s important to teach and celebrate love which is why I believe in a little surprise for the kiddos to remind them how much we love and appreciate them.

I wanted to share 10 thoughtful, cute gifts for the kids this Valentine’s day. Nothing that will break the bank, simply to put a smile on their sweet little faces to put one on yours!

  1. Tickle Me Plant Idea: Hands down my favorite gift idea! Teach your littles how to grow, love and care for plants with this fun Tickle Me Plant kit. The plant actually moves! Once their plant grows, it’s so fun to watch them “tickle” or blow kissies to it to watch them move! Such a fun, long lasting, unique gift that teaches littles to love while doing so.
  2. Heart Photo Memory Game: I loved this game when I was little and having personal, fun memories associated with this game makes it even more fun!
  3. Festive Nail Polish: My nanny put nail polish on Adaline the other week and I was astonished with how much she enjoyed it! She is such a little tomboy but color on those tosies excite her so I thought this  festive, non-toxic polish would be a fun lil’ surprise for her.
  4. Emoji Cookie Cutter: Adaline knows a handful of words from repetitive and constant communication but COOKIE was the very first that she immediately self taught herself because she was so obsessed. Clearly I don’t give her enough sweets but every now and then it’s fun, and these emoji cookie cutters would be a fun way to surprise any little one for the sweetness ahead.
  5. Stacking Heart Crayons: I love this! Because you can do more than just color with these beauties. You can entertain these wild ones with stacking the hearts, sorting by color and of course coloring.
  6. Love Book: I love this book called “In My Heart”. I actually purchased this when baby A was only a few months but now that she is older loves the book and heart cut out. It’s a fun way to teach your toddler about their many overwhelming feelings. Many, many overwhelming feelings.
  7. Bracelet: I love Alex and Ani and this adorable adjustable bracelet is perfect for the kiddos. Adaline has been obsessed with stealing my stackable bracelets so it’s time for her own.
  8. Coloring Book: Kids love to color and having a festive one for the special day makes it even more fun to create. Love this one I found on Amazon Prime for those looking for a last minute gift!
  9. Mini Bake Shop: I meeeeean. What kid wouldn’t want their own little bake shop. I sure as heck did. Let them bake for you this Vday!
  10. Locket: This one is for all the daddy’s little girls out there which would include my girl. They will love how sentimental this gift is and remind them how loved they are!
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Hope this list helped any parents, teachers, family or friends this Valentine’s day. Happy Love Day!






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