What’s In My Gym Bag

What’s In My Gym Bag

It’s probably no secret that I spend a lot of my time in the gym. It’s practically my second home. And while I live only a few minutes away from my Crossfit gym, I still make sure I always have my gym bag handy so that I can always prepared for a workout, no matter where I am. I keep my bag stocked with my Crossfit essentials like my jump rope, lifting shoes and weight belt but I also make sure I have a few products in my bag to make sure that even after a killer WOD that I can freshen up and not look like a total hot mess.

I love getting in my workout at noon if possible, which means I am usually running to lunch, running errands or heading to a meeting after. So having a few necessities on hand to help me look pulled together, is always a good thing.  Here are a few of my must haves that I won’t leave the house without!


What's In My Gym Bag

Sneakers: I always make sure I have a good pair of sneakers to workout in. I will usually wear a fun pair to the gym and then I will keep my workout shoes in my bag so that they don’t get messed up from the wear and tear of running around outside of the gym.

Slides: As the weather gets warmer, the last thing you want on your feet after a long workout is a pair of sweaty socks. I love having a pair of slides on hand so that I can slip them on right before I head out the door.

Face Wipes: When your gym doesn’t have a shower, wipes will become your best friend! But seriously, these things come in handy when you are need of a quick refresh and you don’t have the time to shower completely.

Face Spray: After my face is clean, I love spritzing on a little rose water spray for a little extra hydration and to give my skin that perfect after workout glow.

Chapstick: Chapped lips are No Bueno when working out, so having a tube on hand to hydrate your lips pre or post workout is a total must!

Hand Lotion: My hands take a total beating at the gym. Whether it’s pull-up day or I’m gripping the barbell for numerous power cleans or deadlifts, by the end of class my hands are usually smoked. To prevent from having total rough and dry man looking hands, I always make sure I wash my hands well and then lather up with my favorite L’Occitane Shea Butter hand lotion. It keeps my hands looking super soft, even on the roughest of days!

L'Occitane Shea Butter

Headphones: Nothing can get you into the zone quite like some good music. While I usually rock out to whatever the coach is playing during Crossfit, I will put on my headphones when I go on a run. A good playlist is also a must!

Reusable Water Bottle: Nothing like a cute water bottle that is also good for the environment! I always bring along a reusable bottle that I can refill or add my BCAA’s to for a post workout refuel!

Hair Ties: A girl can never have too many hair ties on hand. Throw a few extras in your bag so that you have one for you or a friend when you are in a pinch. No one wants to workout with hair in their face!

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This post was done in collaboration with L’Occitane. All opinions are my own.


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