6 Tips To Keep You Motivated This Fall

6 Tips To Keep You Motivated This Fall

Just because cooler weather is on the way and big boxy sweaters are all the rage doesn’t mean that it’s ok to go MIA from the gym. It’s easy to fall off the wagon when we don’t have swimsuit season to worry about, but it’s even harder to get back on it after an entire winter of hibernation. Sure, we all splurge a bit more over the holidays, and that’s OK in my book but staying consistent year round with your exercise is important if you want to maintain overall health and achieve the body that you are after.

Motivation to head to the gym can be extremely hard to find, regardless of what month it is. There are a million other things going on in your life that are probably way more fun or feel more important than getting in a sweat sesh, but it is more important than you think. Of course, you should get in shape for the obvious reasons, like fitting in your favorite denim but also because it increases your energy levels, improves your mood, fights diseases, promotes better sleep and much more.  I find myself going nuts when I can’t make it to the gym each day and you don’t even want to talk to me if I haven’t been in a week. Yikes, shit gets scary. But I know that bikini bodies aren’t made in the spring/summer, they are made year round. It’s ok to take a few days off here and there but taking months off, can make it extremely hard to obtain that summer beach body that we all are yearning for.

6 Tips To Keep You Motivated This Fall

To help prevent falling into the dreaded fall/winter slump, I have come up with 6 tips to keep you moving and motivated even when it’s freezing outside.

  1. Set A Schedule: Commit to going to the gym however many days a week is realistic for you. Maybe it’s 3 or maybe it’s 5. Whatever that number it is, write it down in your calendar and hold yourself accountable. It will help you stay true to your workout plan. Also, write down your workouts in a notes section in your phone or track your workouts in a journal so you can see your progress. Nothing is more motivating than seeing progress.
  2. Switch It Up: Bored with your workout routine? Switch things up and try a new workout method. Try a yoga class, barre class, go to Orange Theory, Crossfit, or Pilates. There are so many different options out there, that you should never be able to say that you are bored with your workouts.
  3. Find A Workout Buddy: Having a workout buddy to help hold you accountable for working out will actually make you show up to the gym more and will also be way more fun. Knowing that you are meeting your pal at kickboxing class at 6:30pm makes it 10x harder to ditch class for happy hour.
  4. Dress The Part: Spoiling yourself with a few new pieces of activewear each season is perfectly fine in my book, that is if you are actually using them to work out. There are so many good options out there for fashion forward fitness gear that actually functions too. I have listed some of my faves below.
  5. Set Goals: What is your reasoning for working out? Do you want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Lift more weight? Whatever your reasoning is, write it down and make a plan to work towards it and achieve it. Having goals to work towards will make you 10x more likely to keep showing up to the gym.
  6. Reward Yourself: When you achieve your goals, reward yourself with something fun! A fun night out, a new outfit, or a trip somewhere cool. Maybe you even plan this with your workout buddy, so you are both working toward your goals together. Just find something that will keep you motivated to keep working hard each week.


Nux Activewear Network Bra Nike White Vest 52 Thursdays Fitness Blog DC Fitness Blogger Nux Activewear 52 Thursdays Stretch

Sarah is wearing: Leggings (Nux c/o), Bra (Nux c/o), Vest (Nike old, similar here), Shoes (Nike), Sunglasses (Quay), and Watch (Christian Paul Watches c/o).

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Photos by Emma Weiss Photo



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