5 Ways To Entertain Your 1 Year Old

Toddler activities

I can’t believe I’m writing an article about tips entertaining a one year old when I feel like Waylon just arrived last week! Time has flown by to say the least but boy has it been wild and fun and hard. Looking back, I’m not sure why I thought the infant stage was so hard? They sleep so much and you don’t have to spend your day preventing ER visits. I swear since Waylon started walking (on his first birthday) he has been full speed ever since. So I’ve been searching high and low for things to entertain him while he’s at home with me. I love spending time with him because it’s such a wonderful way for us to bond and teach him to learn and grow. However, coming up with fun and engaging activities to do at home can be challenging. Here are five activities that I found helpful that you can do at home with your 1-year-old that are both fun and educational.

  1. Sensory Play

Sensory play is a great way to help your 1-year-old develop their senses and explore the world around them. You can set up a sensory bin filled with items such as dry pasta, pompoms, leaves, sand (honestly anything you can get your hands on that you feel comfortable with aka not a choking hazard) and let your child play and explore the different textures. You can also add toys or objects for your child to find and identify. There are honestly so many ideas on Pinterest for sensory play, just take a look and you’ll be amazed.

  1. Storytime

Reading to your toddler is a great way to help them develop their language and listening skills. Choose books with bright and colorful pictures and simple, repetitive text. Sit with your child and let them turn the pages and point out the pictures as you read. Waylon is obsessed with books right now, especially ones he can interact like pop-up books, books with sound or feel. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve read The Little Blue Truck.

  1. Music and Dance

Playing music and dancing is a great way to help your kiddo develop their coordination and rhythm. You can play children’s songs or sing along to your favorite tunes and dance with your child. You can also provide simple instruments such as shakers or bells for your child to play along with the music. Waylon loves jamming to songs during bath time, we love the bath time playlist on Spotify.

  1. Indoor Obstacle Course

Creating an indoor obstacle course is a fun way to help your little one develop their gross motor skills. You can use pillows, blankets, and furniture to create a course for your child to crawl over, under, and around. You can also add soft toys or balls for your child to throw or kick. We love building forts in the living room with pillows and he always gets a kick out of playing peek-a-boo with a blanket.

  1. Water Play

Water play is a great way to help your toddler develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. You can fill a shallow tub or sink with water and provide toys such as cups, spoons, and sponges for your child to play with. You can also add bubbles for extra fun. When the weather gets warm enough, we love to put on our swimsuits and play with the water table outside too.

These are just a few activities you can do with your little one to keep them entertained. The most important thing is to spend time with your kiddo and have fun together while helping them learn and grow. I’ve linked a few of our favorite items that keep us busy during those long days. Hope this helps are fellow mommas out there!

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Photos by Igda Warner Photography

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