Get Bikini Bod Ready With Our 52 Day Shred…

After months of hard work and many many planning sessions, we are finally ready to let you in on a little secret that we have been keeping from you. Today we are launching our first ever nutrition challenge called The 52 Day Shred and we couldn’t be more excited! We have teamed up with Nutrition Coach, Leah Clark, to bring you a 52 Day program that actually lets you have your cake and EAT IT TOO! I know from personal experience because I have been on the program myself for the last 52 days and it has done wonders for my performance and my physique.
I have never been able to stick to a “diet” because I enjoy wine and tacos way too much, so when Leah introduced me to this program I knew I could actually sustain it long term. Before I started The 52 Day Shred, I would eat relatively healthy but never knew what exactly my body needed to function properly, especially with the amount of exercise I do. This program has completely opened my eyes and I am actually eating more than I was before and dropping lbs. Yah, for reals! So if you are ready to tone up, lean out and learn how to properly fuel your body to achieve your goals, then we hope you will join us for our 52 Day Shred Challenge starting April 6th!
Scroll down to sign up and to Get Bikini Bod Ready With Our 52 Day Shred!!
What is the 52 Day Shred Challenge?
The 52 Day Shred Challenge is 52-day nutrition program to truly learn the right nutrition tools to 1) Get the body you want, 2) Achieve your fitness goals, and 3) Make properly fueling your body a sustainable lifestyle.
Is 52 Days all you need to learn everything about nutrition and get the DREAM body you want? We will be completely upfront with you here: No, 52 Days is a small blip on the radar compared to a lifetime of consistent effort towards your nutrition. But everyone’s journey has to start somewhere, and the 52 Day Shred Challenge is exactly what will get you launched into making proper nutrition a lifestyle. The goal of the challenge is to not only get you closer to the body you want and smash your goals, but to teach you how to keep going and improving, even when the challenge is over. Once you start getting results, guaranteed you will want more. It feels amazing to love and take care of your body and so many awesome things in life start right there. We want you to be able to experience this for yourself!
There are too many “diets” out there that are not sustainable, and sure, you can maybe stick to them for 4-8 weeks (or several hours in my case..#guilty), but when they’re “over”, you’re back to your old ways of over eating or under eating, and essentially are back at square one.
So how does the 52 Day Shred Challenge work??
We are big advocates of flexible dieting/macronutrient counting, as it makes sticking to your nutrition plan sustainable with all the various things life throws your way. It’s wine night with the girls but you’re trying to drop fat? No problem, you can have the wine AND drop the fat. It’s all about learning how to do it. It’s a balance, which is exactly what the 52 Day Shred Challenge will teach you!
Once your customized nutrition plan has been given to you (based off a detailed questionnaire you fill out), each week you will partake in weekly check-ins to ensure you are reaching your goals. The only thing we ask out of you is to trust the process, be engaged, and give it your all! Yes, no one is perfect and this macronutrient counting-thing takes some getting used to. But really dedicate yourself over the 52 Days to giving it your best effort. Besides, this challenge is not only going to show you how reaching your goals doesn’t have to be miserable….it’ll show you that this nutrition stuff can be a ton of fun and actually doable! Each week we’ll have mini-challenges with giveaways, tips, recipes, and an interactive Facebook Group to support one another! Sometimes by sharing any of your successes or struggles, it really helps another person out. And of course, we will be on there answering any questions you have along the way!
So what happens at the end of all this? Midway, and at the end of the challenge, we will select a winner that will receive an outfit from Chelsea Collective and also from Reebok. At the end of the day, this challenge isn’t about most weight lost or who has the most shredded six pack after 52 Days (although, you will have made significant body composition changes and be a smoke show in that swimsuit!!), it’s about who buckled down and said, “This is what I want to accomplish….so you know what, I’M GOING TO DO IT” and went to work on making their goals a reality. The 52 Day Shred Challenge is here to give you the road map and guidance on how to do just that!
What Will I Get Out Of The Program?
- Customized nutrition plan based on YOUR body goals. Participants will fill out a detailed questionnaire and have their nutrition plans returned to them before the start of the challenge to ensure any questions have been addressed before the March 30th deadline for sign-up.
- Weekly check-ins with Coach Leah to stay on track and ensure you are progressing.
- Weekly e-mails announcing mini-challenges where you can win fun products to help you on your fitness journey, helpful tips, discounts, recipes and more!
- Facebook Live interactive calls and Facebook group for supportive community interaction.
- Launch Party at Chelsea Collective on April 6th where you will receive a ‘Sweat-Kit’ full of Chelsea Collective products, Reebok goodies, products from Sweat Cosmetics, gift cards from Peapod and other fun goodies! We will be going over the program with you, sharing our favorite meals, sampling healthy meal options from Power Supply and there will even be some pampering going on by Glamsquad! So, you won’t want to miss this event!
- Challenge winners! There will be two Challenge winners at the end of the program that will win a prize pack each.
How Do I Get Started?
If you are ready to look like a total smoke show come swimsuit season (it’s no coincidence our challenge ends right before pools open!!) and want more detailed information on the 52 Day Challenge, then please email us at The fee to enter our challenge is $252 which is due via Paypal by March 30th. Nutrition Coaching can cost upwards of $250 per month, so this is an amazing deal to get your feet wet! Many of you will be able to take what you learned and apply that to your everyday life, which is our goal, and some of you may decide that you want further coaching with Leah, which we will offer at a discounted rate.
We are only accepting 35 total challengers, so if you are interested, please email us ASAP so we can get you on our list. Anyone on the wait list will be first in line for our next challenge which will occur in July.
We hope that you will join our 52 Day Shred Challenge and get in the best shape of your life with us!
Sarah and Leah’s outfits are from Chelsea Collective.
Hair and Makeup by Glamsquad.
Photos by Emma Weiss Photo.
Sarah, Michelle, and Leah
Irma Martinez
March 14, 2017 at 9:58 pmI’m interested.
March 16, 2017 at 10:50 amThank you for your interest! Please send us an email at! Talk soon!
Laura Miller
April 1, 2017 at 1:58 pmI am interested in the July group! Since I just found this and it’s 2 Apr.
April 3, 2017 at 11:57 pmHey Laura, thank you for reaching out! We are taking names for the June Shred! Please email to put your name on the list!