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  • Swimwear Styles of 2019

    Swimwear shopping is a love/hate relationship for most of us. We dread trying them on in store because it’s super uncomfortable and the lighting in those dressing rooms should be criminal.…

  • My Go-To Summer Salad + Spa Water

    Healthy eating is easy in the summertime because you can load up on produce that is fresh and full of flavor! The last thing I want when temperatures rise is a…

  • Water: The Worlds Most Underrated Beauty Product 

    If you follow us on Instagram or are friends with us IRL, you’ve probably noticed a new trend..and we aren’t talking about animal prints. Our newest accessory that we can’t live…

  • Easter Basket Gift Guide

    I’ll admit, last year I didn’t get too crazy with Easter. We made a small basket of goodies for her, dressed her up (which we don’t do too often) and went…

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